Chuck Collins Chuck Collins

Christianity’s Dangerous Idea

The Bible is plain to read and plain to understand by ordinary people in all essential matters pertaining to salvation (Articles of Religion, Article 6).

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Chuck Collins Chuck Collins

Happy Radbertus Day!

The focus of historic Anglicanism is not a change in the bread and wine, but a miracle so much greater: the transformation of the faithful recipients

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Chuck Collins Chuck Collins

Erasmus’s Crazy Obsession

The "ad fontes" (back to the sources) cry of the Renaissance and 16th century Humanism drove Erasmus like a wild obsession to write and publish the first edition of the Greek New Testament from ancient sources, "Novum Testamentum.”

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Chuck Collins Chuck Collins

Wyclif v. the Pope

Perhaps the best marker for the beginning of the English Reformation is not Erasmus, Martin Luther or Thomas Cranmer, but John Wyclif.

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Chuck Collins Chuck Collins

Peter Martyr Vermigli

Vermigli makes sense of Holy Communion in the light of salvation by grace through faith alone, and the priesthood of Christ who is both the only Sacrifice, and the once-and-for-all Sacrificer for the sins of the world (1 Tim 2:5; Heb 8, 10).

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Chuck Collins Chuck Collins

The Real Presence of Christ

It is the greatest curiosity that some Anglicans hold a functionally Roman view - that the substance of the bread and wine of Holy Communion change into the body, blood, and soul of our Lord when magic words are spoken over them by a fancy-dressed priest.

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Chuck Collins Chuck Collins

Michael Nazir-Ali

I am praying for Michael Nazir-Ali this morning that God will use him to show the folks in the Ordinariate the beauty and freedom of the gospel of salvation by grace alone.

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Chuck Collins Chuck Collins

Reformation Steamroller

September 5, 1538 Thomas Cromwell’s “Second Royal Injunctions of Henry VIII” ordered that a Bible be placed in every church in England.

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Chuck Collins Chuck Collins

Gutenberg’s Revolution

Gutenberg made learning possible and fashionable, a dangerous proposition for the establishment that was heavily invested in keeping people ignorant.

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Chuck Collins Chuck Collins

William Perkins: Protestant England

I’ve always wanted to know why the Church of England started with a firm commitment to moderate Calvinism, but after Edward VI, Elizabeth I, and James I the colors of our flag changed to Arminian (called “Pelagian” in Article 9, and by the anti-Arminians of that century).

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Chuck Collins Chuck Collins

Apostolic Succession Reinvented

There is no unbroken line of ordained bishops and priests traceable back to St. Peter. This is simply confusing the symbol for the thing symbolized.

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Chuck Collins Chuck Collins

Buzz Aldrin and the Lord’s Supper

Cranmer taught two positions simultaneously: that Christ is spiritually present in the Eucharist, and through faithful contemplation we are reunited with the whole Christ in heaven by the power of the Holy Spirit.

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Chuck Collins Chuck Collins

Lady Jane Grey

While in prison, 17-year old Jane was visited by Mary’s personal chaplain, John de Fenenham, who tried to persuade her of the truth of Roman Catholicism, perhaps with the hope of saving her life.

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