Anglican Resources
The Center recommends the following journal and book resources in the area of Reformation Anglicanism.
Intro to Reformation Anglicanism
A Historically Grounded Anglican Identity by Gillis Harp
Via Media: Factual or Fanciful? by Gillis Harp
The Strange Death of Lutheran England (PDF) by Alec Ryrie
Thomas Cranmer's Doctrine of Repentance by Ashley Null
Reformation Anglicanism: A Vision for Today’s Global Communion by Ashley Null & John Yates III
Thomas Cranmer: A Life by Diarmaid MacCulloch
Thomas Cromwell: A Revolutionary Life by Diarmaid MacCulloch
William Perkins and the Making of a Protestant England by W.B. Patterson
Richard Hooker and the Authority of Scripture, Tradition, and Reason by Nigel Atkinson
Brahmin Prophet: Phillips Brooks and the Path of Liberal Protestantism by Gillis Harp
The Boy King: Edward VI and the Protestant Reformation by Diarmaid MacCulloch
The Theology of the English Reformers by Philip Edgecumbe Hughes
The Rise of Moralism: The Proclamation of the Gospel from Hooker to Baxter by C. Fitzsimons Allison
Richard Hooker: A Companion to his Life and Work by W. Bradford Littlejohn
Of the Sacraments
Divine Allurement: Cranmer's Comfortable Words by Ashley Null
Reformation Anglican Worship (Reformation Anglicanism Series, Null & Yates) by Michael Jensen
Gospel Preaching
Mission & Evangelism
Right Desire and True Gospel by Ashley Null
Men and Movements in the American Episcopal Church by E. Clowes Chorley