Chuck Collins Chuck Collins

Agnes Prest

They say, that Christ is received in the mouth, and entereth in with the bread and wine: we say, that he is received in the heart, and entereth in by faith.

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Chuck Collins Chuck Collins

The Pelagian Default

Lazarus did not come out of the grave because he got his free will in motion to choose resurrection; it was because he received an external command from God’s word, which does what it says. - Steven Paulson

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Chuck Collins Chuck Collins

Saint Henry Newman

The Tractarians came to challenge, then shatter the doctrinal consensus of the earlier High Church Anglicanism, seeming to dissolve the Church of England into its constituent parts as never before.

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Chuck Collins Chuck Collins

Pelagius is My Favorite

Christians love semi-pelagianism because we don't want to admit that the corpse on the couch is actually dead, but only faint and needing some fresh air.

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Chuck Collins Chuck Collins

Freedom of an Unfree Will

When we recognize the Grand Canyon-size gulf between us and God, we are forced to look for a solution beyond our human capacity and righteousness: to a God who saves us to the uttermost - who alone has the power to bring dead people back to life.

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Chuck Collins Chuck Collins

Treading with Trent

Several years ago I was invited to address a group in Phoenix on the difference between Catholics and Protestants. After affirming my agreement with them on many things, I told them that I couldn’t ever become Catholic because of “justification.”

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Chuck Collins Chuck Collins

Peter Martyr Vermigli

Vermigli makes sense of Holy Communion in the light of salvation by grace through faith alone, and the priesthood of Christ who is both the only Sacrifice, and the once-and-for-all Sacrificer for the sins of the world (1 Tim 2:5; Heb 8, 10).

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Chuck Collins Chuck Collins

Catholic or Protestant?

Michael Nazir-Ali did the right thing if his heart is not fixed on Anglican’s commitment to the primacy of Holy Scripture, and to the doctrines of justification by grace through faith alone, the universal priesthood of all believers, and to a sacramental understanding that expresses these core biblical teachings.

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Chuck Collins Chuck Collins

Jane Seymour

Jane Seymour gave King Henry VIII his only living legitimate son, the future King Edward VI.

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Chuck Collins Chuck Collins

The Tragic Ejection

The "Great Ejection" refers to 1,800 evangelical/puritan Church of England ministers who were expelled from their pulpits by law following the Act of Uniformity of 1662.

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Chuck Collins Chuck Collins

Bishop Samuel Seabury

Given the oddball personalities who formed the Episcopal Church, it is something of a miracle that there are Anglicans in America today!

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Chuck Collins Chuck Collins

Papal Infallibility

The Roman Catholic doctrine of "papal infallibility" was adopted July 18, 1870 at the First Vatican Council (1869–1870).

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Chuck Collins Chuck Collins

Anne Askew’s Torture

It was 475 years ago today, July 16, 1546, that Anne Askew burned at the stake at Smithfield for opposing transubstantiation.

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Chuck Collins Chuck Collins

Anne Askew’s Torture

It was 475 years ago today, June 18, 1546, that she was sentenced to be taken to Smithfield to be burned alive for her crimes. 

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Chuck Collins Chuck Collins

The Face of Opposition

John Fisher, Bishop of Rochester, was the face of opposition to the evangelical/Protestant teaching that was finding its way into 16th century England.

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Chuck Collins Chuck Collins

Pelagian Captivity

In our church what cockatoo eggs be now a hatching, what errors of pelagianism. . . and other like damnable errors. . . by contentious men, which cannot abide to agree with the Church in the received truth.

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