Chuck Collins Chuck Collins

Agnes Prest

They say, that Christ is received in the mouth, and entereth in with the bread and wine: we say, that he is received in the heart, and entereth in by faith.

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Chuck Collins Chuck Collins

Happy Radbertus Day!

The focus of historic Anglicanism is not a change in the bread and wine, but a miracle so much greater: the transformation of the faithful recipients

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Chuck Collins Chuck Collins

The Real Presence of Christ

It is the greatest curiosity that some Anglicans hold a functionally Roman view - that the substance of the bread and wine of Holy Communion change into the body, blood, and soul of our Lord when magic words are spoken over them by a fancy-dressed priest.

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Chuck Collins Chuck Collins

Happy Radbertus Day!

Anglicans do not locate Christ’s real presence in the bread and wine of Holy Communion, but in the hearts and affections of those who receive by faith the grace offered in the sacrament.

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