The Pelagian Default
Lazarus did not come out of the grave because he got his free will in motion to choose resurrection; it was because he received an external command from God’s word, which does what it says. - Steven Paulson
Marburg, “real presence,” and T. Cranmer
In this via media (Calvin and Cranmer), Christ’s body is objectively offered, but not objectively or automatically present apart from faith.
Wyclif v. the Pope
Perhaps the best marker for the beginning of the English Reformation is not Erasmus, Martin Luther or Thomas Cranmer, but John Wyclif.
Treading with Trent
Several years ago I was invited to address a group in Phoenix on the difference between Catholics and Protestants. After affirming my agreement with them on many things, I told them that I couldn’t ever become Catholic because of “justification.”
Michael Nazir-Ali
I am praying for Michael Nazir-Ali this morning that God will use him to show the folks in the Ordinariate the beauty and freedom of the gospel of salvation by grace alone.
Matthias Grunewald: Theologian of the Cross
Grunewald was secretly a follower of Martin Luther whose writings were found among his effects after he died.
Robert Barnes: England’s Luther
It would be hard to overestimate the influence of Martin Luther on the theology of the Church of England.
Luther’s Righteousness
Roman Catholics in the Middle Ages feared sudden death more than anything else because they lived with the awful uncertainty about their final salvation.