Anglican Arminianism and Kudzu
Arminianism in its various forms is like kudzu that has taken over the church a mile-a-minute.
The Great Ejection
Puritans were united only by their common desire for greater reform than was exhibited in the Elizabethan Settlement.
The ACNA is “Confessional”
Our confessions/forumlaries, and subscription to them, has kept a fragile peace, but peace nonetheless, until modern times.
Elizabethan Settlement
The Elizabethan Settlement is thoroughly biblical, confessionally reformed, pastorally generous, and liturgically beautiful.
The Making of a Protestant England
William Perkins defined theology as “the science of living blessedly forever.” “Science” shows the seriousness and care he gave to classical learning. And “living blessedly forever” reveals his commitment to applied Protestant piety.
Laud: Anglican’s Greatest Calamity
If heads are bowing in the direction of the altar (communion table) as a sacred piece of furniture where the magic of transforming bread and wine is performed, you can be sure that Laud has been in that place.
Elizabeth’s New Year’s Gift
There is no reason to doubt Elizabeth’s essential and unwavering Protestantism, and her personal commitment to the historic Anglican formularies.
Bloody Mary
It was the long-reigning Queen (the "Elizabethan Settlement") that fixed the Church of England's identity once-and-for-all to the historic formularies of Reformation Anglicanism: the two books of Homilies, the 1571 Thirty-nine Articles of Religion, and the 1559/1662 Book of Common Prayer.
Catholic or Protestant?
Michael Nazir-Ali did the right thing if his heart is not fixed on Anglican’s commitment to the primacy of Holy Scripture, and to the doctrines of justification by grace through faith alone, the universal priesthood of all believers, and to a sacramental understanding that expresses these core biblical teachings.
America’s #1 Bishop!
Given the very oddball personalities responsible for founding the Episcopal Church, it is a miracle that there are any Anglicans in America today!
Happy Guy Fawkes Day!
Roman Catholics and Protestants share some Christian creedal beliefs, of course, but they differ on at least two deal-breaking matters.
Thank your Bishop
Thank your bishop for being the defender of the faith he was consecrated to be for the sake of the faith of our church.
Jane Seymour
Jane Seymour gave King Henry VIII his only living legitimate son, the future King Edward VI.
Jacobus Arminius!
The psychology of decisionism, revivalism, moralism, progressivism, and a generally sunnier outlook on human capacity appeals to the most base elements of human nature - we all love the idea that performance contributes to our salvation.
God and Architecture
A person’s ability to worship is a matter of heart, and a good-hearted Christian can worship at the tin-roofed Cathedral in Jos, Nigeria as easily as at Westminster Abby.
Anglicans Interpret the Bible
There are so many contradictions in it, how can an intelligent person possibly believe it?
Reformation Sunday
Keep us, O Lord, constant in faith and zealous in witness, that, like your servants Hugh Latimer, Nicholas Ridley, Thomas Cranmer, and the other English reformers,
Formularies for What?
I eavesdropped on a conversation once in which a very nice lady said, “I love being Episcopalian; you can believe anything and still be one!”
The Tragic Ejection
The "Great Ejection" refers to 1,800 evangelical/puritan Church of England ministers who were expelled from their pulpits by law following the Act of Uniformity of 1662.
William Perkins: Protestant England
I’ve always wanted to know why the Church of England started with a firm commitment to moderate Calvinism, but after Edward VI, Elizabeth I, and James I the colors of our flag changed to Arminian (called “Pelagian” in Article 9, and by the anti-Arminians of that century).