Anglican Arminianism and Kudzu
Arminianism in its various forms is like kudzu that has taken over the church a mile-a-minute.
The Pelagian Default
Lazarus did not come out of the grave because he got his free will in motion to choose resurrection; it was because he received an external command from God’s word, which does what it says. - Steven Paulson
Pelagius is My Favorite
Christians love semi-pelagianism because we don't want to admit that the corpse on the couch is actually dead, but only faint and needing some fresh air.
Catholic or Protestant?
Michael Nazir-Ali did the right thing if his heart is not fixed on Anglican’s commitment to the primacy of Holy Scripture, and to the doctrines of justification by grace through faith alone, the universal priesthood of all believers, and to a sacramental understanding that expresses these core biblical teachings.
Jacobus Arminius!
The psychology of decisionism, revivalism, moralism, progressivism, and a generally sunnier outlook on human capacity appeals to the most base elements of human nature - we all love the idea that performance contributes to our salvation.
Wesley or Whitefield: That is the Question
Calvinism and Arminianism are not two views of a car accident that eventually meet up at some evangelistic crusade in Minneapolis.
William Perkins: Protestant England
I’ve always wanted to know why the Church of England started with a firm commitment to moderate Calvinism, but after Edward VI, Elizabeth I, and James I the colors of our flag changed to Arminian (called “Pelagian” in Article 9, and by the anti-Arminians of that century).
Bishop Samuel Seabury
Given the oddball personalities who formed the Episcopal Church, it is something of a miracle that there are Anglicans in America today!
Predestination “before the foundations of the world were laid”?
Does this explain the hair-shirt relationship Anglicans sometimes have with its Calvinistic formularies (the Thirty-nine Articles, the Homilies, and the 1662 Book of Common Prayer)?
John Calvin and the Church of England
His writings and ideas so significantly influenced the Church of England that Anglicanism can be fairly described as not only generally Protestant, but “reformed.”
Elizabeth’s Wax Nose
Queen Elizabeth was excommunicated by Pope Pius V April 27, 1570, twelve years into her 45 year reign as Queen of England and Ireland. The pope dismissed her as a "heretic and favorer of heretics.”
Why I Am Not An Arminian
Reformation Anglicans are obviously “reformed.” Calvinism and Arminianism are not two views of a car accident that eventually meet up at some evangelistic crusade in Minneapolis. They are mutually exclusive teachings.